461.005e Health accounts in thousand CHF by function, place of activity and financing schemes since 2013
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Year Select at least one value

Total 9 Selected


Function Select at least one value

Total 38 Selected


Place of activity

Total 3 Selected


Financing scheme Select at least one value

Total 15 Selected


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Contact and information


Swiss francs
Office of Statistics
Aeulestrasse 51
9490 Vaduz
T +423 236 68 76
Health accounts


'*': figure is not available or has been omitted for other reasons.
'-': Absolut zero.
'0' or '0.0': rounded zero (figure is less than half of the counting unit).
Further information on methods and quality (available in German only) can be found in the topic Health Accounts. Definitions (also in English) are available in the glossary.
Since 2015 laboratory services in medical practices are evaluated separately and coded as HC.4.1 Laboratory services. The yearly amount is approximately CHF 3.4 Mio. In 2013 and 2014 these expenses were included in HC.1.3 Outpatient curative care.
The larger changes in amounts observed in Liechtenstein since 2018 are due to the opening or closing of clinics in Liechtenstein.
2021: Categories HC6.1, HC6.3 and HF1.1 include extraordinary Covid 19 pandemic expenditures such as Covid 19 testing.
Financing scheme
2017: Based on the revision of law on health insurance (LGBl. 2016, Nr. 2), which entered into force on January 1st 2017, the cost-sharing amount of insured persons increased (HF.3.2 Cost-sharing with third party players).
2021: Categories HC6.1, HC6.3 and HF1.1 include extraordinary Covid 19 pandemic expenditures such as Covid 19 testing.
Function - total
2021: Due to lack of resources, part of the extraordinary personnel expenses in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic (including personnel costs for Test Road, Vaccination Center) could not be included and will be added next year. However, the expenses for vaccinations, tests, media campaign, etc. are included.
- HC.1.1 Inpatient curative care
In the expenses 2013 an extra CHF 3.1 Mio. credit for the restoration of the local hospital is included.
- HC.1.2 Day curative care
Expenses for day curative care are included in outpatient curative care.
- HC.2.2 Day rehabilitative care
Expenses for day rehabilitative care are included in outpatient rehabilitative care.
- HC.3.2 Day long-term care (health)
Expenses for day long-term care are included in outpatient long-term care.
Financing scheme
Financing schemes - total
2021: Due to lack of resources, part of the extraordinary personnel expenses in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic (including personnel costs for Test Road, Vaccination Center) could not be included and will be added next year. However, the expenses for vaccinations, tests, media campaign, etc. are included.